Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Planning for 2017 in Full Swing!

The date has been set! May 20th, 2017 will be the next Lebanon Festival! Are you interested in helping? Contact us at Our next meeting will be Thursday, Sept. 15 at 6:00 at the Martha Sawyer Community Library. If you have ideas and want to help please consider attending this meeting.

Do you know of a musical group looking for a venue to play? Do you know people who are looking for opportunities to share their talents with the community? Please contact us! We are looking for several performers to fill out the day and we encourage local talent to contact us.

If you are someone interested in being a vendor at our May festival it is not too soon to sign up! We just redid our registration forms for 2017 and can get one out to you. We will also be making the registration forms available at the Lebanon Town Office. Our prices remain the same. $25 for a 10X10 foot space and $40 for a 10X20 foot space. Lebanon residents do not need to pay this registration fee. We are adding a late fee this year. Any registration forms received AFTER May 1st will be charged a $10 late fee; this fee WILL apply to Lebanon residents.

We look forward to hearing from you! Don't forget to to help us get the word out by "liking" us on Facebook and sharing our posts!

Monday, August 22, 2016

Planning for next year!

The Lebanon Festival Committee would like to thank every person who supported this year's festival. From the volunteer who mowed the soccer field to each vendor who set up a booth and especially to each community member who attended and supported the day by attending the activities we planned for you and purchasing from our vendors! For a better feel for the day, take a look at the article Harrison Thorpe of the Lebanon Voice wrote: Picture Perfect Lebanon Festival. (click on the link)

The planning does not stop just because the Festival is over! Are you aware that next year marks Lebanon's 250th Anniversary! The Lebanon Festival committee as well as your Lebanon Historical Society has a lot of great plans in store to celebrate Lebanon in 2017 with three events planned so far. These things take a lot of time and effort however so we are reaching out to our community and asking you to consider getting involved and volunteering your time to help pull off these events. We were very encouraged that several approached us at the Festival this past Saturday, expressing interest in helping! As a committee of three we are hoping that more in the community will want to be involved, even if it is just the day of the event to help set up! The more hands involved the better these events will be. Please contact us at for more information if you are willing to help us out!

In closing I would like to make those of you reading aware of another great event taking place in Lebanon. On September 10th the the Lebanon Academy committee is having a Founder's Day Celebration at the Lebanon Academy from 9-3. There will be all sorts of activities from a silent auction to a tour of the Academy and lots of good food and local vendors! Please mark your calendar and take some time to stop in and support their renovation efforts! You can learn more on their Facebook Page! (click on the link)

Thank you again from the Lebanon Festival for another great year! We look forward to hearing from you with any suggestions you have to make next year bigger and better and we encourage those of you wanting to help to reach out to us!

***Don't forget to "like" us on Facebook and share our posts so we can get the word out to as many people we can about the great things happening in Lebanon!***

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Who's Who at the Lebanon Festival!

We are just a few short weeks away from our 2016 Lebanon Festival and we are so excited to share with you all the awesome vendors we have coming!

Lebanon and the surrounding area is filled with talented people who make jewelry, like Beth Goody, a Lebanon resident who will be selling the silver jewelry she makes! As a satisfied customer myself, I can testify to the quality and beauty of her craftsmanship! You can also stop by Melissa Wentworth's booth to check out her hand-sewn and embroidered crafts. She comes to us from North Berwick and we are so anxious to see her creations! We also have vendors who will provide our guests with fun and entertainment like Back to Basics Childcare who will have a craft that the children can do and the North Lebanon Second Baptist Church who will once again provide free balloon animals to all the children! And don't worry if you get hungry we are prepared for that too! We are so thrilled to have the Ripcord Cafe back with us this year. Be sure to stop by a new vendor to the Lebanon Festival, Dough You Didn't, who will be selling pizza! Representative Karen Gerrish will be back again this year and her booth is always a lot of fun for the family! Deb Wilson with the Lebanon Truth Seekers will be holding a photo contest at her booth so be sure to check it out! Have you been looking for an Usborn or Tupperware can find one at the Lebanon Festival! I know I personally can't wait to see the Henna Tatoo Art by Cammie Waterhouse!

We have a lot of great vendor's and to see the complete list and what will be offered, visit the website. We still have some space left if you want to get in on the fun and register! For $25 you can get a 10X10 space and remember: we are waiving the fee for Lebanon taxpayer's!

Be sure to mark your calendar's and join us August 20th! There will be fun for the whole family!