Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Just a Few More Days!

We are days away from the Lebanon Festival and we hope you are planning to be there. We have worked hard to bring you a day that your whole family can enjoy so please stop by! We will start off the day at 8:45 am with the National Anthem and a Flag Ceremony lead by the Cub Scouts!

We want to remind everyone about the Bike Decorating Contest/Parade for the kids. For more details and information, click on the flier. We have some great prizes for the winners and can't wait to see all the "Lebanon Pride"!

Take a look around this website for times of each event and to get a glimpse at all the great vendors we have coming. One change in our day is that there will not be a Chili Cook-Off due to a lack of participation, but the Fire Dept. will be serving up hamburgers and hot dogs so we hope you will show them your support and stop by their booth!

Can't wait to see you all on Saturday!